Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nothing is as constant as change

(l to r: Debra Fetty, Debbie Wiser, Krista Schuenman)
Often, just as we are settling into a 'groove' and feeling comfortable,
change happens to stretch us.

I was preparing for an exciting year teaching the
Junior/Senior early morning seminary class (Book of Mormon year!)...
when I got a call to visit the Stake President.

Next thing I know, my gears are changed and
I am serving in the Stake Young Women Presidency.
We were blessed to enter into our new presidency weeks before Girls Camp.
It provided an opportunity to meet many of the leaders and girls and
enjoy the talents of so many stake leaders,
and to share some special experiences with the outgoing presidency.
They did a remarkable job and are an inspiration to me.

So here's to new adventures and experiences!
I am most grateful to know that He can and will make weak things strong.


Myrnie said...

You will be FANTASTIC :) I'm glad camp was so much fun- the pictures were great!

Heath694 said...

Congratulations on your new calling! You will be so loved!

staceygriff said...

you are going to be awesome in that calling. I'm so excited for you. How was Girl's camp by the way?