Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meet my neighbor!

Remember Mr. Rodger's song, "Won't you be my neighbor"?.... well, I would much rather sing it "DON'T you be my neighbor!"

Another song that comes to mind.... "I don't like spiders and snakes" AND grasshoppers! This fear comes from my childhood and is alive and well today. And here I live in the grasshopper capital.

Look at the beautiful Mum's I planted. They
(and the pansies) were in the ground 3-4
days and this is what they look like now.
Nice of me to feed the grasshoppers so well.
Jay sprays about once a week.... it helps


staceygriff said...

In China they have these as pets in little wicker cages. Maybe you could try that? I also remember that song "I don't like spiders and snakes." I sing that now only about spiders. We have a new pet, our boa constrictor from John Woodhouse. I hope your grasshopper problem goes away soon.

Heath694 said...

Those little buggers! That's exactly how I feel about our slugs. My hostas are not lunch for all the slugs, but they sure think they are. I'll pray for seagulls!

staceygriff said...

Deb. I think you reply by just making a comment on your photo if that's what you want to do. Or when you made a comment on my photo like you did, that was making a reply. If that makes any sense? I don't really know either. I'm just pretending to know what I'm doing:)